Privacy Notice for Nara Morrison, Counsellor and Psychotherapist

This privacy notice provides information about the personal information Nara Morrison processes about you, as a data controller, in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).

Nara Morrison is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office, under Registration number A8505825.

Please contact Nara Morrison at with any questions or requests about the personal information she processes.
Your rights
Nara Morrison is committed to protecting your rights to privacy. They include:
· Right to be informed about what she does with your personal data;
· Right to have a copy of all the personal information she processes about you;
· Right to rectification of any inaccurate data processed, and to add to the information held about you if it is incomplete;
· Right to be forgotten and your personal data destroyed;
· Right to restrict the processing of your personal data;
· Right to object to the processing carried out based on legitimate interest;
· The personal data process, why it is processed, where it comes from and the legal basis for doing so
The personal data Nara Morrison receives may include:
· Names, contact details, and dates of birth;
· Family information;
· Financial information and bank details;
· Health information;
· Employment information;
· Information about race, ethnic origin and sex;
· The personal data are generally provided by the person during the counselling sessions.
Finally, Nara Morrison runs a client relationship management system. Any personal data on the system is held in accordance with the consent of the data subject, which can be withdrawn at any time by contacting Nara Morrison.
Retention period
Personal data will be kept in compliance with Nara Morrison’s professional indemnity obligations and not for any longer than necessary. Where retention is not necessary, the data will be destroyed. Where it is not necessary to retain the data for six years, they will be destroyed as soon as possible.
With whom does Nara Morrison share personal data?
Professional supervision is a requirement for all practitioner therapists; Nara Morrison may share some information with her supervisor; and the supervisor is always another professional bound by the same GDPR requirements as Nara Morrison.
Special category data and personnel files held electronically are stored in password protected files. Hard copy special category and other personal data are stored securely, with restricted access.
Nara Morrison does not share personal data with anyone external to the practice, other than:
Her professional practice supervisor
With others, for real life personal-harm and public safety purposes; and also for the prevention of criminal or security offences.
HMRC, as required
Information Commissioner' s Office.

If you have any concerns about the way your personal information has been processed, please contact Nara Morrison. Alternatively, you may contact the Information Commissioner's Office on 0303 123 1113.

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