Feeling stressed? Anxious? Overwhelmed? Get in touch and let’s see how I can help you


& Stress Management Coach

My services

and psychotherapy

When you are a busy professional, a lot is at stake when you feel that your world is falling apart: your relationships, your career, your reputation. I know it because I was there. I used to live with stress and anxiety. And I know how you feel. I can help you to turn your life around...

Stress management

Stress affects us un many different ways: physically, mentally and emotionally. It causes OCD, agoraphobia, social anxiety etc. It also causes health problems related to cardiac and gastrointestinal systems. Life is busy and full of uncertainties, specially now....

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Pain to Poise

When you’re sitting down and you’re in pain, you’re very sad. You’re missing out on trips away, coffee with your friends or get togethers with family. You have to consider how far you move when out of the house and if the seats in the coffee shop will be suitable for you. The doctors advice it to exercise, but how can you possibly think of exercising when even sitting is painful.

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I am a qualified psychotherapist and a stress coach. Therapy and stress coaching changed my life. And now I am here to change yours. My goal is to help you to bring positive changes in your life.

I work with my clients to help them to achieve a more authentic, happier life. Working together, we explore difficult thoughts and emotions, find clarity in thoughts and learn tools designed to help them when they are overwhelmed. As a Stress Coach I also teach my clients strategies that help them to feel less stressed and to cope with stress-causing feelings and emotions long after our sessions are finished.

of conduct lead
I am an independent Code of Conduct lead for a number of conferences. In this capacity, it's my job to ensure a respectful and welcoming environment for everyone. I offer a confidential space for you to voice any concerns or experiences you might have related to the event. This may include issues with other attendees or any incidents that might have made you feel uncomfortable.

Every person is unique, every person’s problems and pains are unique too. I respect that uniqueness in you and I support you in your journey by providing a safe, confidential and non-judgmental environment.

As there is no ‘one size fit all’ approach to counselling, I incorporate my training, skills and experience to produce a bespoke approach to each client’s situation

My goal is to help you to bring positive changes to your life

If you feel you deserve to be successful and happy, if you feel you want to be heard, if you feel you are ready to change your life, get in touch.

Stress management is a crucial skill that empowers individuals to lead healthier, happier, and more fulfilling lives. By taking advantage of my free workbooks, you are investing in your well-being and taking a proactive step towards mastering stress.
Remember, stress doesn't have to control your life; you have the power to regain control. Get free workbooks today!
Click on the workbook and download it:

I will help you

To create a relaxed
an positive habits of thoughts
Learn thechniques of physical relaxation

Feel less stressed and cope with stress-causing feelings and emotions

Feel stronger, more confident, more responsible for your own life, and have improved self-esteem.
Achieve a more authentic, happier life
Find clarity in your thoughts and learn tools designed to help them when overwhelmed

Choosing a therapist is a very personal decision. Research shows that therapy is most effective if there is a strong relationship between therapist and client. The best way to determine if a psychotherapist is right for you is to contact them and to meet with them.

Trust your instinct and consider whether you can see yourself feeling safe and comfortable with this person and whether they can understand your world

To help you to take this decision I offer a free initial consultation during which we can get to know each other and decide if we are a good fit for each other.


İn the press
As Ellie Goulding opens up about crippling anxiety, Aberdeen psychotherapist describes the symptoms and solutions
With the pandemic triggering mental health concerns for many, Ellie Goulding, who already battles anxiety, has described 2021 as the hardest year of her life.
Aberdeen experts give advice to parents as research shows rise in mental health difficulties during pandemic
A new study has revealed four in 10 parents in Scotland are battling mental health issues as a result of the pandemic.
Considering an April Fool’s pregnancy prank? This is why you should reconsider
Every year people play tricks on friends and family members on the 1st of April – but when it comes to pregnancy, it’s objectionable.
Ukraine: Aberdeen psychotherapist who escaped Azerbaijan lays bare the ‘ugly side’ of conflict
Having survived conflict in Azerbaijan as a youngster, Aberdeen psychotherapist Nara Morrison knows first-hand the “ugly side of war” being experienced in Ukraine.


If you are reading this page, it means there is something that is bothering you. It may be stress, anxiety, depression, past life events, lack of belief in the future, or something else. You are looking for answers and can’t find them. You are looking for something. To decide whether you need therapy/stress coaching or not, it may be a good idea to get in touch and book an initial free consultation. You can ask questions that are on your mind and, hopefully, address your doubts and decide whether therapy/stress coaching is for you or not.
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